I have had a passion for dogs my entire life. My childhood is full of core memories of family dogs in all shapes and sizes. But what really ignited my passion was my discovery of “bully breed’ dogs. When I was around 8 years old I met my aunts dog Ike. He was a big white pit bull mix. I was absolutely fascinated by him. My mother on the other hand wasn’t thrilled about the idea of her son playing with a big “scary” pit bull. Back in the 90s pit bull like dogs had an even worse misrepresentation than they do now. Fast forward 10 years. 18 year old Jared buys his first pit bull mix, Max. Max didn’t teach me a whole lot about training. He was just one of those dogs with amazing natural instinct and a strong desire to please. At the time I had no idea how easy I had it with Max. So I began adding more dogs to the household. This lead me to my discovery of the XL American Bully. I have now been raising XL Bullies since 2017.

How does this relate to my training methods? Let me get to the point. Having a house full of 100+lb dogs forced me to step up my training skills. Over the years I developed a good basic understanding of dog training, but hadn’t yet got the opportunity to put those skills to the test with a wider variety of dogs. Especially ones that aren’t directly bonded to me. Then I lucked into meeting my mentor and friend Yana. She gave me the opportunity of a lifetime, a job at her board and train program. She took me under her wing and taught me so much! She took my basic knowledge of training to a level I didn’t even know I was capable of. The board and train program presented me with an opportunity to train dogs in all shapes and sizes. Everything from tiny fluffy pups and feisty Shiba Inu’s to giant Great Danes and everything in between. Seeing the transformations these dogs would make in 3-5 weeks was mind blowing. I will never be able to thank her enough for the skills she taught me. Working for her opened my eyes to the power of helping others and their dogs live more fulfilling lives together.

And that lead me here! Starting Reliable K9 Solutions to do exactly that! Help those around me build a deeper connection with their dogs, better understand how to communicate with their dogs and to live more fulfilling lives together. You can count on us to provide your dog with a safe, comfortable and compassionate environment to learn in.

Jared Esker
